12/20/24 That Little Devil, Sugar.
Today’s focus is, watch what you eat. Not only are you trying to increase your protein to meet the daily needs of our muscles, we also need to be careful of sugar. That little granular devil can sneak up on you and ruin all your hard work. When we eat sugar, the body releases insulin to regulate blood sugar levels. Too much insulin in our system can lead to insulin resistance. What the heck does that mean? That means that eventually, the body will not process sugar very well and could lead to diabetes. Just because your parents ended up with type II diabetes does NOT mean you are destined to get it too. You do have control over your health and your future.
Sugar is also the culprit of high visceral fat, stomach fat. Excessive sugar can raise levels that lead to heart disease. In short, nothing good comes from eating sugar.
So what the heck can we do? Read labels, eat clean, monitor how much sugar we eat in a day. The least amount of sugar consumed the better. For example, if yogurt is a snack for you, choose high protein, low sugar. Attached is Triple0 Oikos vs Activia. Take a look at the protein and sugar on the label.